The winning projects in the government's AI open call


Jerusalem, Israel, May 1, 2024

The ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Israel National Digital Agency, is launching a pilot to implement Artificial Intelligence in 9 government entities


Minister of Innovation, Science, and Technology, Gila Gamliel: “The AI revolution will not skip any citizen, and we are committed to ensuring that every citizen in the State of Israel can benefit from this progress. Artificial intelligence is a groundbreaking technology with the potential to significantly enhance governmental services for the citizens of Israel. The ministry is leading the implementation of artificial intelligence across various government ministries, aiming to streamline processes, improve services, and conserve valuable resources. The nine selected projects are just the beginning, and we will continue to promote the use of artificial intelligence in additional areas.”

The ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology and the National Digital Agency have announced 9 winning government entities, which will implement unprecedented AI-driven projects. In total, 15 ministries collaborated on this initiative, with a joint investment of over 45 million NIS. The projects will be put into action in the coming months. As part of Israel’s national agenda for artificial intelligence, which aims to position Israel as a world leader in the field, the government is working to implement AI within the public sector. This work is intended to improve the quality of government services for citizens and optimize government work processes.

In accordance with government decision 212, the ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology published a call for proposals, which invited government entities to propose AI-driven projects in their domains, and operate a competitive mechanism for choosing the winning proposals. It has been a collaborative work of the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, the Israel National Digital Agency, the Innovation Authority, the Ministry of Finance, with the assistant of the Ministry of Justice for legal aspects. 

In response to the call for proposals, 21 ministries and government units submitted proposals for more than 30 different projects of developing and integrating AI technologies in their activity. Following that, a selection process was carried out by a professional committee, during which 9 projects from various government entities were selected.
The winning government entities will receive financial support and professional guidance from a variety of AI experts, for the development of their projects. Additionally, they will gain access to studies and researchers from Israel and abroad, training across various skill levels, ethical and legal guidance for responsible implementation of the projects, and assistance in formulating appropriate technological, business, and professional strategies.

The winning government entities and projects:

•    Ministry of Transportation and Road Safety – A project for dealing with traffic congestion. The current process for choosing specific locations for improving traffic congestion is flawed. Using AI, the project will create a tool for improving traffic for the short and long term planning, and will result in an estimated budget saving of approximately 6 million NIS annually. 
•    Israeli Tax Authority – The world taxation system uses a standardized system for classifying goods, Each product has its own unique “tax code”. The project will use AI to create a classification tool for these goods automatically. This tool will result in an estimated budget saving of 15 million NIS annually. Furthermore, it will improve the flow of goods into Israel, while cutting storage and bureaucracy fees. 
•    The Center for the Survey of Israel – Nowadays, the center invests many resources in using external geographic information systems. The project will map and model objects automatically using big data and AI, improving the quality and accessibility of that information for the public. The project will shorten the time required for collecting information from 3 years to 1 year and will save 2.5 million NIS annually. 
•    Ministry of Justice –the project aims to leverage AI to identify and flag suspicious activities in non-profit organizations. The project will lead to efficient resource management, reduction of regulatory burden and improve identification of suspicious associations involved in money laundering and terrorism financing. The estimated economic impact on non-profit organizations in Israel is approximately 100 billion NIS annually. 
•    Israel Securities Authority – The project will focus on integrating financial models of machine learning and natural language processing to enable effective analysis and insights from the accumulated data through automation of classification, search, and monitoring processes of documents, reports, and activities in the capital market. The project will result in significant savings in resources and working hours and will enhance enforcement capability, thereby improving the authority ability to protect investors and increase stability and trust in the capital market.
•    The Israeli National Insurance – The project will focus on streamlining and shortening medical claims processes by integrating artificial intelligence as a decision support system in the working processes of the National Insurance Institute. Some manual work will be replaced by OCR and AI solutions. The project will lead to a significant reduction in the time between claim submission and decision receipt, maximizing rights extraction, and improving the quality of decision-making. This will result in an estimated saving of approximately 2 million NIS per year.
•    The Central Bureau of Statistics – The project will focus on maximizing the potential of using data-driven decision-making within the Tax Authority by expanding available data repositories and diversifying user base while improving availability, accuracy, and user experience. the project includes developing an AI-based search engine, implementing a chatbot component for conversational management in natural language, and integration with Tax Authority databases.
•    Ministry of Labor – The establishment of an innovative and user-friendly platform, based on artificial intelligence, that provides information and personal support regarding workers’ and employers’ rights, tailored to individual needs and circumstances. The project will lead to a reduction in waiting time for response at the service center or department, accessibility of knowledge, expansion of enforcement capability, and creation of a fairer working environment for both employees and employers
•    Civil Service Commission – the project will focus on managing knowledge regarding the rights and duties of civil servants through a system that provides quick and reliable answers to queries on these matters while referring to the source of the information. This system will be used by the governmental human resources units, as a decision-making support system in their field.

CEO of Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, Gadi Arieli: “The field of artificial intelligence is rapidly evolving, creating unprecedented opportunities for society and the economy. Nine ministries, selected through a professional process from dozens of excellent applicants, will incorporate artificial intelligence for the first time, enabling a leap in the activities of both the ministries and the entire government. In 2024, we plan to issue another call for the implementation of artificial intelligence in government offices. The Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Technology, along with its partners, will continue to develop routine and breakthrough solutions to help shape and promote Israel’s scientific and technological excellence”.

Head of Israeli National Digital Agency, Shira Lev Ami:” The call for artificial intelligence came to fruition thanks to exceptional collaboration among several government ministries. The use of digital tools, particularly artificial intelligence, provides a multiplier effect that streamlines governmental processes and ultimately generates more value for citizens. Upon completion of the projects, the National Digital System will make the outcomes accessible for reuse across all government offices”.