Trailblazing Hardware: The role of Israeli Startups in transforming AI Hardware
Next-Gen AI: Shaping the Future of Climate Technology
The Role of Smaller Economics in Forming Global AI Policies
The AI – a Friend or a Foe? – Dror Bin, CEO, Israel Innovation Authority
Getting ready for the EU AI ACT – How should companies prepare ? (English Webinar)
Bringing academia and industry together: AI-based protein structure prediction and design (Heb)
Webinar – Disclosure of the winning NLP call for proposals (Heb)
The European Artificial Intelligence Law – How is it affects me and the Israeli high-tech industry ? (Heb)
Webinar – Call for proposals for establishment of an R&D laboratory to accelerate the development of AI technologies in Israel (Heb)
Webinar – Call for Proposals for the development and creation of corpus and databases in Hebrew and Arabic (Heb)
Generative AI – Is it possible (and allowed) to stop technology ? (Heb)
Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT – what is it and how does it affect you? (Heb)
The National Program For Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure (Eng)