Prof. Yoav Shoham

Prof. Yoav Shoham
Chairman of committee, Stanford University, AI21 co-founder

Dr. Adi Aron-Gilat
Head of GoogleX Israel,
Adjunct professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Dr. Adi Aron-Gilat
Michal Braverman

Michal Braverman
CEO of Microsoft Israel

Prof. Jennifer Chayes
Ex-head of Microsoft Researh New England, NAE, Dean at UC Berkeley

Prof. Jennifer Chayes
Prof. Gal Chechik

Prof. Gal Chechik
Bar Ilan University, Nvidia

Prof. Oren Etzioni
Ex UW, Ex-director of the Allen Institute for AI,
White House AI, advisory committee

Prof. Oren Etzioni

Prof. Amir Globerson
TAU, Member of the Berry committee

Prof. Barbara Grosz
Harvard, Ex-President of AAAI

Prof. Barbara Grosz
Prof. Judea Pearl

Prof. Judea Pearl
UCLA, Turing award winner

Prof. Eran Segal
Weizmann Institute of science

Prof. Eran Segal
Mr. Nadav Zafrir

Mr. Nadav Zafrir
Ex 8200 Head, tech investor